+61 (0)428 848 018 [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose a Serendipity coffin in preference to a traditional coffin?

Serendipity is introducing much-needed new products into the funeral industry. Most people who purchase these types of coffins appreciate their eco credentials – they’re hand-made from 100% natural and sustainable materials, all of which biodegrade rapidly and burn with extremely low emissions. More specifically, most people choose our company’s products because they value the quality of the craftsmanship. Some also prefer the ‘comforting’ appearance of the coffins, seeing them as less harsh looking than more traditional options.

Can the coffins be used for cremations as well as for burials?

Yes, our coffins are suitable for both. For those seeking a natural burial (whereby the coffin and body safely become part of the natural environment) the coffin will degrade rapidly in the soil.

What coffin sizes are available?

Serendipity offers a broad range of coffins in both adult and child sizes. Please ring Stacey or your funeral director to determine the required size.

Do these coffins address odour and leakage?

The bases and lids of our coffins are fully lined with a strong natural cotton fabric, designed and tested to prevent odour and leakage. The density of the weave ensures total privacy for the deceased.

Are these coffins strong enough?

Our products which are 100% guaranteed, are engineered to accommodate 150 kg. They are extremely strong and structurally secure (more than 8000 of these units are sold in Britain each year without incident). Lighweight but sturdy in construction, an empty coffin weighs less than 30 kg, making final transportation somewhat easier on pallbearers. A wicker coffin can be used in exactly the same way as a traditional coffin. For more information, please refer to our coffin testing page.

How can I purchase a serendipity coffin and can I provide my own coffin?

If your preferred funeral director does not offer your chosen coffin, please contact Stacey with your purchase enquiry. You CAN provide your coffin directly to your funeral home so do not accept otherwise. Your funeral director offers an invaluable service and should support your decision whilst providing guidance, empathy and assurance during an often difficult time.

Can you store my coffin until we need it?

Unfortunately, we do not have the storage facilities available which will allow us to provide this service. We recommend the coffin be delivered when requested by your funeral director.

Is there any danger to the natural environment or wildlife during the manufacture of this product?

The plantations from which materials are sourced are all government-licensed and cropping is strictly monitored. When bamboo is cut down at the root, it takes just 59 days to grow back to its full height without the need for re planting. It is therefore the ultimate in sustainable materials. Pandas DO NOT eat this species of bamboo (Phyllostachys Pubescens); nor do they actually live in the same province from which the bamboo is sourced.

What is a ‘natural burial’?

Those who are dying sometimes express a preference for being outdoors, or simply surrounded by natural vegetation and fauna. They may also prefer to be interred in a ‘special’ place rather than being allocated an anonymous plot within the cemetery grounds. Sometimes it is considered a ‘kinder’ and more personal alternative for those dissatisfied with the options of cremation or a formal burial. Natural burial sites are an unlandscaped, environmentally friendly alternative to conventional sites, and will provide conservation habitat for generations to come. Moreover, natural burials are an evolving global trend whereby the body is returned to nature (as they have been for thousands of years) in a biodegradable coffin and decomposes naturally with minimal negative impact on the environment. The MCB of WA currently has two designated natural burial sites in the Rockingham and Fremantle Cemeteries. For further details, contact the MCB or your funeral director, who can provide you with more comprehensive information on the guidelines for natural burials. Serendipity’s coffins, being totally constructed from natural materials, meet the strict criteria with respect to coffins that allow a natural burial to take place.

Serendipity Coffins

ABN: 53 029 815 704 

12 Wray Ave, Fremantle WA 6160

0428 848 018

Gift of Grace Funerals

ABN: 53 029 815 704 

12 Wray Ave, Fremantle WA 6160

0428 848 018